Fyhr’s Du


D.O.B: 2/3-2019
Swedish reg no: REGV1246/2019
ISDS: 00/364237

Du has a lot of feeling for sheep, she is fast and direct. More of an outrunner than a driving dog. Never stop working, can be a bit wide at times on her outrun but does not loose contact with sheep. She has really good work ethics, wants to do right but has a mind of her own.
She hates loosing sheep, loves holding them but her feeling can sometimes take over. Would wish a calmer head on her sometimes but loves that she never quits even if it is hard work.

Socialy she is an oddball. Energetic and reactive type here too, can react with unsecure barks when people arrive but always says hallo and follow thru. Sensetive in a way and does not like when it is a lot of dogs here that I need to work or foster. She is more of an people dog and is not very found of other dogs at all. She has not trained anything else but is easly motivated and plays hard and intense.

Hips: A (Excellent)
Elbows: UA (Excellent)
Weight: 13,5 kg
Eyes: Free (Feb 2023)
DNA: Normal for whole Wisdom Panel by parantage

* Some top 10 placings Swedish open (ik2)
* Qualified to Swedish Semi Finals 2022
* 6th place Swedish Quarter Finals 2022
* Qualified to Swedish Quarter Finals 2022
* Placed 6th Nordic Nursery Championship 2021
* Qualified to the Swedish Nursery Championship 2021

ZtillDuPhoto: Camilla Måhl